Report to/Rapport au :
Planning and Environment Committee
Comité de l'urbanisme et de l'environnement
and Council / et au Conseil
16 September 2010 / le 16 septembre 2010
Submitted by/Soumis par : Nancy Schepers, Deputy City Manager/Directrice municipale adjointe, Infrastructure Services and Community Sustainability/Services d’infrastructure et Viabilité des collectivités
Contact Person/Personne-ressource : Richard Kilstrom, Acting Manager/Gestionnaire intérimaire, Development Review-Urban Services, Inner Core/Examen des projets d'aménagement-Services urbains, Unité du Centre intérieur, Planning and Growth Management/Urbanisme et Gestion de la croissance
(613) 580-2424, 22379
That the Planning and Environment Committee recommend Council approve an amendment to the Zoning By-law 2008-250 to change the zoning of 125 Hickory Street from R5B H(34) Residential Fifth Density Subzone B, to a new R5B[XXXX]SXXX Residential Fifth Density Subzone B Exception zone with a Schedule, as detailed in Document 2 and shown on Document 3.
Que le Comité de recommande au Conseil d’approuver une modification au Règlement de zonage 2008-250 en vue de changer la désignation de zonage du 125 de la rue Hickory de R5B H(34), Zone résidentielle de densité 5, sous-zone B, à R5B[XXXX]SXXX, une nouvelle Zone résidentielle de densité 5, sous-zone B, assortie d’une exception et accompagnée d’une annexe, comme il est expliqué en détail dans le Document 2 et indiqué dans le Document 3.
The subject property, 125 Hickory Street, is located on the northeast corner of Hickory Street and Champagne Avenue South. The property is bounded by Champagne Avenue South to the west, the existing O-Train corridor to the east, and Hickory Street to the south. At the time of the application, adjacent to the north was the site of the Ottawa Humane Society facilities.
The subject property is approximately 4169 square metres in area with 68.88 metres of frontage on Champagne Avenue South and 60.35 metres of frontage on Hickory Street. The property is currently vacant of any buildings or structures. The abutting segment of Hickory Street is currently blocked off and is not available to vehicular traffic.
The abutting O-Train line on the east side runs through a deep trench at this location. In addition to the Ottawa Humane Society, the surrounding uses include an existing parking lot on the south side of Hickory Street. The parking lot site also has frontage on Carling Avenue, and is the subject of an application for re-zoning for a proposed high rise residential or office development; this application is under appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board. A one-storey commercial building is currently located on the northwest corner of Hickory Street and Champagne Avenue South, and is the subject of concurrent Official Plan Amendment (File D01-01-10-0008) and Zoning By-law Amendment (File D02-02-10-0025) applications. That proposed development consists of a 12-storey high-rise apartment dwelling with 94 units fronting onto Champagne Avenue South, and a three-storey townhouse dwelling with six units fronting directly onto Hickory Street.
Other land uses within the vicinity include primarily a mix of residential and commercial uses along Champagne Avenue South and, further southeast and southwest along Carling Avenue, there is a mix of medium and high profile residential, commercial as well as institutional uses and government offices. The majority of the uses to the northwest and northeast across the O‑Train trench are residential, with commercial uses further to the east along Preston Street.
The purpose of the requested re-zoning is to facilitate a mixed-use development on the property. The applicant is proposing to construct a residential condominium project comprised of two towers of 16 and 20 storeys containing 301 apartment units, 23 townhouse type units at grade, and a podium connecting the buildings, creating a 324-unit residential complex. The proposal also includes commercial space at grade at the southwest corner of the site. The conceptual development proposal described here constitutes a revision from the applicant’s original proposal which involved towers of 20 and 24 stories and no commercial uses.
The subject property is currently zoned R5B H(34), a Residential Fifth Density subzone in Zoning By-law 2008-250, which permits a variety of residential uses including mid-high rise apartment buildings, multiple attached dwellings, retirement home, and a convenience store limited to 75 square metres at grade level. The maximum building height is 34 metres. A previous development proposal for an 11-storey residential development on the site was approved in 2003, but has been abandoned.
The recommended Zoning By-law Amendment is proposing to change a series of the performance standards required in the current R5B zone. The changes are to accommodate a redistribution of the permitted density in a configuration that provides for better urban design. The recommended re-zoning will facilitate the development of a mixed-use development containing commercial uses and an estimated 324 residential units. The residential component is proposed as 16- and 20-storey towers above a podium that also contains town-house type units and the commercial space. The applicant’s conceptual development plan includes underground parking, with parking access and a drop-off from Champagne Avenue South, while the main residential building entrance is at the northwest corner. The applicant has indicated that the proposed townhouses will be oriented towards Hickory Street, and a pedestrian walkway within the upper portion of the O-Train corridor, and will be accessed via private entrances and at-grade walkways. The commercial components will be oriented to the southwest corner along Hickory Street and Champagne Avenue.
The recommended rezoning allows for a maximum building height of 64.9 metres (approximately 20 storeys) for the southerly portion of the property and 52.9 metres (approximately 16 storeys) for the northerly portion of the property. Through the rezoning process, a site-specific schedule will be introduced to demarcate the building heights as proposed, and will yield an actual building proposal with a total floor area of approximately 31200 square metres, which is equivalent to the total allowed under the current zoning. The rezoning involves adding limited areas of neighbourhood serving uses including day care, restaurant, retail store, retail food store and personal service uses as permitted uses in a new R5B subzone. The rezoning would reduce minimum yards, reduce visitor and commercial parking requirements, set a maximum for residential parking, and increase the total landscape area requirement to 40 per cent. It would also allow for a portion of the required landscaped area to be provided above grade level, and allow the property to be treated as one lot for Zoning By‑law interpretation purposes if divided in the future.
It should be noted that the proposed rezoning described above constitutes a revision to the original requested amendment. The applicant was initially proposing to increase the maximum permitted height from 34 metres to 76 metres, reduce the required yards, and reduce the required landscaped open space from 30 per cent to 19.1 per cent in order to accommodate the development. There was also no inclusion of additional non-residential uses in the original proposal or variations to parking rates.
Strategic Approach
The Official Plan (OP) Section 2, Strategic Approach for “Managing Growth” calls for directing growth “to the urban area where services already exist or where they can be provided efficiently”, and that “in the urban area (growth) will be directed to areas where it can be accommodated in compact and mixed-use development, and served with quality transit, walking and cycling facilities.” The Strategic Approach for “Creating Liveable Communities” indicates that “Growth will be managed in ways that create complete communities with a good balance of facilities and services to meet people’s everyday needs, including schools, community facilities, parks, a variety of housing, and places to work and shop.” The recommended rezoning will facilitate greater flexibility in built form for realizing residential development in keeping with the intent of the Strategic Approach, while adding permitted commercial uses to improve the balance of services available to the community on serviced lands in the urban area close to a rapid transit station in keeping with the intent of the strategic approaches for Managing Growth and for Creating Liveable Communities.
Mixed-Use Centre
The subject property and all the immediately adjacent lands are designated Mixed-Use Centre on Schedule B of the OP. In the case of the lands directly across Hickory Street to the south, the northerly portion of the properties is considered to be within the Mixed Use Centre, while the southerly portion abutting Carling Avenue is part of an Arterial Main Street. Section 3.6.2, Mixed-Use Centres, of the OP indicates that "Mixed-Use Centres will ultimately develop as 'good places' in their own right as components of complete neighbourhoods" and that they "should contain development that is both locally and regionally oriented. Where a concentration of single-use activity occurs, the interface with the surrounding community should be improved through such means as the addition of community-serving uses and improved physical linkages." The recommended rezoning will foster development of a mixed use residential and commercial project, which will contribute towards enhancing a "good place" that will serve the greater community and, through the related Site Plan Control application, may increase pedestrian linkages to the community on the east side of the O-Train corridor and to Preston Street.
Mixed-use Centres are one of the target areas identified for intensification. The Bayview-Preston Mixed Use Centre has a minimum target density of 285 people and jobs per net hectare for every development application. The recommended rezoning meets this target.
Mixed-Use Centres Policy 2 indicates that they "should be characterized by a broad variety of uses in accordance with policy 6a", and that, “The City will encourage transit-supportive land uses, such as…. daycare centres, retail uses, entertainment uses, services (such as restaurants), high- and medium-density residential uses and mixed-use development containing combinations of the foregoing.” The recommended rezoning proposal to add uses including retail, restaurant, personnel service business, and daycare as permitted uses is consistent with the intent of Policy 2, to add uses leading to potential transit usage.
Policy 6 indicates that all development in a Mixed Use Centre is to be evaluated in terms of the “Design Objectives and Principles in Section 2.5.1 and the criteria set out in Section 4.11, particularly with regard to achieving a compact, mixed-use, transit-oriented, pedestrian-friendly environment and creating a place with visual interest” and “where possible, contribute to a range of housing options in the area” As discussed below, the recommended re-zoning is in keeping with Sections 2.5.1 and 4.11.
Policy 7 states that "Mixed-Use Centres will optimize the use of land through provisions for compact mixed-use development", and that "the zoning by-law ... will: ... allow for a mix of uses within a building, enable the employment targets of this Plan to be achieved and establish maximum limits for the provision of on-site parking for development within 600 metres of a rapid-transit station”, and may waive minimum parking requirements. The recommended rezoning upholds the intent of Policy 7 by allowing the mix of commercial and residential uses, which will also help fulfill the employment targets for the Mixed-Use Centre. The recommended parking reductions and maximums are in keeping with policies for development within 600 metres of a transit station. Policy 7 also indicates that the zoning “ensure that an appropriate transition between the Mixed-Use Centre and any surrounding General Urban Area occurs within the Mixed-Use Centre." The recommended height limits include an on-site transition from 64.9 metres (approximately 20 storeys) to the southeast down to 52.9 metres (approximately 16 storeys) to the northwest towards other lands within the Mixed-use Centre, including a 12‑storey residential proposal to the west across Champagne Avenue. An appropriate transition is also being achieved through the definition of a strong street-edge, with a three-storey podium that reflects the traditional residential scale of the area.
Policy 8 indicates that "Mixed-Use Centres will enhance opportunities for walking, cycling and transit and in particular: will have regard for the provisions of Section 4.3 regarding the potential to reduce parking requirements”. The development associated with the proposed rezoning will result in an improved pedestrian system along Hickory Street and Champagne Avenue South and result in a portion of a new walkway system serving to the O-Train corridor. The rezoning reduces visitor and commercial parking requirements.
Policy 9 indicates that “Mixed-use Centres will provide opportunities, when possible, for a variety of activities by….. incorporating community facilities such as schools, libraries, day care centres and leisure facilities” and by “incorporating spaces for retail” activities. The recommended re-zoning adds uses including library, community centre retail uses and day care to the list of permitted uses on the property.
Policy 10 directs the City to "demonstrate its commitment to development within Mixed-Use Centres," by considering “them to be priority locations for considering ..... the use of techniques such as increased height and density provisions.” The recommended rezoning will allow for more flexible building design options, through which increased building heights in smaller footprints will combine with a three-storey podium to bring the street presence of the building to a more pedestrian level, which will be enhanced by direct residential and retail doors along the street.
Policy 11 states that "existing developments in Mixed-Use Centres that do not exhibit the characteristics planned for such areas shall be encouraged to redevelop over time in a manner that is more compact, dense, and transit-oriented. For such developments, the use of flexible zoning controls, reduced parking requirements, and other incentives may be considered on a case-by-case basis to assist in facilitating redevelopment that better meets the objectives for Mixed-Use Centres." The proposed re-zoning maintains the intent of Policy 11 by encouraging the use of vacant land within 600 metres of a transit station, and applying reduced parking requirements and allowing increased building heights.
Urban Design and Compatibility and Community Design
Section 2.5.1, Urban Design and Compatibility and Community Design, of the OP’s Strategic Approach indicates that: “ In general terms, compatible development means development that, although it is not necessarily the same as or similar to existing buildings in the vicinity, nonetheless enhances an established community and coexists with existing development without causing undue adverse impact on surrounding properties.” The OP establishes a set of design objectives and principles to be considered in evaluating development proposals. Design Objective 1 calls for enhancing “the sense of community by creating and maintaining places with their own distinct identity”. The proposed rezoning with an increased building height will help create a distinctive place consistent with the development of the mixed use centre.
Design Objective 2 seeks to “define quality public and private spaces through development”. In keeping with the principles supporting Objective 2, the proposed rezoning with reduced setbacks promoting a strong building presence at the street, will help “define and connect public and private spaces”, encourage continuous street frontages, address the relationship between buildings and the street, and help meet the needs of pedestrians. The proposed re-zoning provisions will also be conducive to a built form that creates places that are safe, accessible and are easy to get to, in keeping with Objective 3.
Design Objective 4 calls for ensuring that “new development respects the character of existing areas”. The design principles supporting Objective 4 indicate that new development should “complement and enliven the surroundings”, but “allow the built form to evolve through architectural style and innovation” and “complement the massing patterns, rhythm, character, and context”. The proposed re-zoning, through the added permitted uses, will help enliven the surroundings, while the new height limits and set back provisions will foster different architecture, in keeping with the anticipated larger built form characteristics of this portion of the Mixed Use Centre. This is also consistent with the principles of Objective 5 anticipating a “more compact urban form”, providing the “flexibility for buildings and spaces to adapt to a variety of possible uses in response to changing social, economic and technological conditions”, and recognizing “that buildings and site development will exhibit different characteristics as they evolve over time.”
Design Objective 7 is to “maximize energy-efficiency and promote sustainable design to reduce the resource consumption, energy use, and carbon footprint of the built environment.” The proposed rezoning will help facilitate more practicable development in a Mixed-use Centre, control building height and mass to reduce solar loss, and facilitate more efficient use of a vacant site close rapid transit and on major pedestrian route.
The Official Plan policies of Subsection 4.4 Water and Wastewater Servicing require adequate services for new development. The property is adequately served by water, and storm and sanitary sewer lines to facilitate the potential development afforded by the recommended rezoning.
The recommended re-zoning does not alter the development potential currently permitted, thus the traffic generation potential will be the same as that permitted under the existing zoning. The rezoning is also in keeping with Official Plan objectives for development within 600 metres of a transit station. A Community Transportation Study was undertaken in relation to the proposed development, and included other proposed developments in the area. The study assumptions maximize the allocation of all residential vehicle trips by assuming no modal split and thus assuming a worst case traffic impact scenario. The analysis of commercial trips in the study assumes a modal split consistent with the City’s Transportation Master Plan (TMP) objective. The resultant traffic generated by the proposed development at 125 Hickory Street was not considered to be problematic. The study has been reviewed by City staff transportation engineering groups and deemed acceptable.
The traffic study indicates that improvements will be needed at the intersection of Carling Avenue and Champagne Avenue South in association with the proposed commercial development on the lands across Hickory Street to the south, and that the Carling Avenue and Preston Street intersection has been at a poor level of service for a number of years. The study assumes a one percent yearly growth in background traffic along this segment of Carling Avenue, when the evidence for the last several years is that the reverse is true and it is expected to continue to diminish as the strategic elements of the City’s TMP are implemented. Measures to address localized traffic concerns, including at the Carling Avenue and Sherwood Drive intersection, attributable to the 125 Hickory development will be considered through the related Site Plan Control approval application. The subject rezoning is considered in keeping with the transportation policies of the OP and with the objectives of the City’s TMP.
Urban Design and Compatibility
Section 4.11 also sets out policies for evaluating development applications.
Policy 1 indicates that “a key test the City will apply is whether the design takes advantage of opportunities for improving the character and quality of an area and the way it functions” and that focal components for assessing impact and compatibility are “complementary form, scale and impact with(in) the target segment” which are to be examined be considering the “patterns of streets, blocks, lanes, parks and public building sites, prevailing building type(s), setbacks of buildings from the street or streets, height, massing, scale, and dwelling type of nearby abutting and adjacent properties”. The proposed re-zoning will foster a development on vacant former industrial lands within the targeted Mixed Use Centre consistent with and reinforcing the basic existing pattern of blocks and streets and recognizing the existing and anticipated built form of the adjacent evolving Mixed Use Centre lands.
Policy 2 directs that the land use designation, in this case “Mixed Use Centre”, which is discussed above, and the Secondary Plan and Council-approved design guidelines are considered in the evaluation of development compatibility. The Preston/Champagne Secondary Plan is addressed below, while the Design Guidelines for High-rise Housing will be considered through the related Site Plan Control process.
Policy 3 sets out specific criteria for evaluating development compatibility as discussed below:
“a. Traffic: Roads should adequately serve the development, with sufficient capacity to accommodate the anticipated traffic generated. Generally, development that has the potential to generate significant amounts of vehicular traffic should be located on arterial or major collector roadways so as to minimize the potential for traffic infiltration on minor collector roadways and local streets”. The supporting traffic study related to the proposed development has been reviewed and the impact determined to be acceptable as discussed above.
“b. Vehicular Access:” Vehicular access to the site will be via Champagne Avenue South, the main roadway serving this section of the Mixed Use Centre and leading directly to a signalized intersection at Carling Avenue. Site access will be considered in more detail through the related Site Plan Control application, however significant discussions have already taken place with the applicant determine an optimal vehicular access location.
“c. Parking Requirements: The development should have adequate on-site parking to minimize the potential for spillover parking on adjacent areas. A range of parking forms, including surface, decked, and underground, should be considered taking in account the area context and character. Opportunities to reduce parking requirements and promote increased usage of walking, cycling and transit should will be pursued, where appropriate, particularly in the vicinity of transit stations or major transit stops in accordance with the provisions of Section 4.3;” The proposed rezoning includes parking provisions considered adequate for the needs of the proposed development while recognizing the opportunity to reduce parking and increase other modes especially given the proximity of the site to a rapid transit station.
“d. Outdoor Amenity Areas: The development should respect the privacy of outdoor amenity areas of adjacent residential units and minimize any undesirable impacts through the siting and design of the buildings and the use of screening, lighting, landscaping or other mitigative design measures.” The development proposal related to the recommended rezoning is anticipated to have minimal impact on the outdoor amenity areas of adjacent residential units, and will be given further consideration through the related Site Plan Control application.
“e. Loading Areas, Service Areas, and Outdoor Storage: The operational characteristics and visual appearance of loading facilities, service areas (including garbage), parking and areas for the outdoor storage of goods or materials should be mitigated using a variety of methods (e.g., location, containment, screening, berms, and/or landscaping). These uses and activities should be located away from residences where possible;” All loading and servicing areas of the proposed redevelopment are inside the building out of public view and will be given further consideration as necessary through the related Site Plan Control application.
“f. Lighting:” This will be given consideration through the related Site Plan Control application.
“g. Noise and Air Quality” There are no anticipated noise generation and air quality issues associated with the proposed rezoning. The mitigation of potential reflected noise from other sources will be considered through the related Site Plan Control application.
“h. Sunlight: The development should minimize shadowing on adjacent properties, to the extent practicable, particularly on outdoor amenity areas, through the siting of buildings or other design measures;” The height provisions of the recommended rezoning have been established to minimize the potential of sun shadowing on surrounding properties and the nearby Ev Tremblay Park to the extent practicable, while upholding the development intensification intent of the Mixed Use Centre designation of the OP.
“i. Microclimate: The development should be designed to minimize adverse effects related to wind, snow drifting, and temperature on adjacent properties.” A wind and snow drifting study has been submitted with the related Site Plan Control application and provides recommendations for mitigating winter effects, which will be pursued through that application.
“j. Supporting Neighbourhood Services: The development should contribute to or be adequately served by existing or proposed services and amenities such as health facilities, schools, parks and leisure areas. Where the proposed development itself is to contribute such services and amenities, they should be of a scale appropriate to the needs and character of the area.” The proposed rezoning adds a series of permitted uses intended to improve the adequacy of services available to the existing and future residents of the neighbourhood, while being of a scale appropriate to the needs and character of the neighbourhood.
Policy 5 of Section 4.11 indicates that “buildings, structures and landscaping will be used to clearly define public spaces, such as streets and parks”, and that in intensification target areas such as the Mixed-use Centre location of the subject property, “development will be in the form of continuous building frontages that frame the street edge and support a more pedestrian-friendly environment”. The policy indicates that “where there is no established building fabric along the street, new buildings will occupy gaps in the streetscape caused by parking and/or deep building setbacks. New buildings must ...... help create a new building fabric.” The proposed rezoning establishes new performance standards that support a built form that will help clearly define the adjacent streets as public spaces and create a much more friendly pedestrian environment along an area most recently used as parking.
Policy 8 pertaining to building profile provides guidance for building profiles and establishes that buildings of ten storeys or more are considered high-rise; and Policy 9 goes on to say that high-rise buildings may be considered on lands within Mixed-use Centres, which is consistent with the proposed re-zoning.
In addressing building profile and compatibility, Policy 11 states that “integrating taller buildings within an area characterized by a lower built form is an important urban design consideration, particularly in association with intensification. Development proposals will” ...ensure ... “that an effective transition in built form is provided between areas of different development profile. Transitions in built form will serve to link proposed development with both planned, as well as existing uses” Transitions can be addressed using various measures including incremental changes in building height, massing, character, aspects of architectural design, and building setbacks. The proposed rezoning establishes performance standards addressing incremental change in building heights, massing and building setbacks in order to provide a compatible building profile with existing and planned uses nearby. The building character and architecture will be reviewed through the related Site Plan application.
Policy 14 gives further consideration to high-rise buildings and indicates that “the City will consider proposals submitted for high-rise buildings in light of the fit of the proposal within its neighbouring context and in light of” various measures including but not limited to:
“a. How the scale, massing and height of the proposed development relates to that of adjoining buildings, its contextual fit with the character of the immediate area, and the vision for the area established in Council-approved community design plans, secondary plans, other similar Council-approved planning documents, or the Zoning By-law;” and, “b. The establishment of appropriate transitions and/or building setbacks from adjoining areas built at a lower profile.” As discussed above, the proposed rezoning provisions, including building height transitions, are intended to foster development that fits with the context determined by the existing and envisioned high-rise buildings to the south, southwest, and west in keeping with the intent of the Mixed-use Centre designation.
The measures pertaining to building fit also include consideration of the public right-of-way width and lot size. The adjacent street rights-of way are a standard of approximately 20 metres, and present no unusual issues of right-of-way scale. The subject property, at about 60 by 69 metres, is in keeping with the maximum proposed building height of just over 62.3 metres. The measures of fit also consider the creation of new “views, vistas and landmarks”, the “effect on the skyline” and consistency with the City’s design guidelines. The related development proposal will establish a new landmark on the skyline, helping to identify the Mixed-use Centre. The design guidelines will be considered through the Site Plan process. Fit considerations involve “how the proposal enhances the public realm, including contribution to and interaction with its surroundings at street level” The development proposal will add street trees, a new public pedestrian walkway and sidewalks and add pedestrian friendly uses and interaction on a now vacant site.
Fit involves support of public transit, vehicle access and street network capacity. The proposed development will lead to greater use of the nearby rapid transit station and be limited to one point of vehicular access limiting potential impact on the adjacent streets. Measures of fit also include consideration of resource and energy efficiency, sun-shadowing and wind conditions. Building intensification near transit is usually inherently more resource and energy efficient, and the height provisions of the rezoning have addressed shadowing concerns, while a wind study will be addressed through the Site Plan application. Fit measures related to building services functions and privacy and amenity concerns will be addressed through Site Plan Control.
Preston – Champagne Secondary Plan
The Vision section of the Preston Champagne Secondary Plan (PCSP) proposes that “in the future, the Preston-Champagne area will continue to be a diverse inner city neighbourhood, containing a mix of residential, office, retail, and light industrial employment uses.” The consolidated version of the OP has been updated to reflect the provisions of the former City of Ottawa OPA 54 designating the subject site as “Residential High Profile”, which had been carried forward by Council with the new OP but had not been incorporated in the actual printed and web document. In considering the Southwest Quadrant, which contains the subject property, the PCSP states that “high profile residential development is permitted on the north east corner of Hickory Street and Champagne Avenue.,” which is consistent with the proposed rezoning.
The residential objective of the PCSP is “to protect and enhance existing residential areas and promote sensitive employment and residential infill development of older industrial sites.” The subject site is also associated with a “Secondary Employment Centre” area of the PCSP. In discussing the Secondary Employment Centre, the PCSP says that “residential uses, within and adjacent to the Centre, are important to provide an appropriate transition to and integration with the existing residential community to the north and west. This integration is also to be realized by a transition in development from higher to lower profile buildings moving northward from Carling Avenue”. The subject property is an old industrial site. The provisions of the recommended re-zoning include a requirement for dropping from a higher to lower building height when moving from south to north across the site away from Carling Avenue, while upholding the Residential High Profile designation and anticipating the medium to high profile of development of other properties that may redevelop to the north and west.
The “Enhanced Open Space/Linkages” section of the PCSP “Vision” calls for improved east-west pedestrian linkages across the O-Train corridor. The related development proposal may help precipitate an east-west linkage as the applicant has indicated a willingness to contribute to a pedestrian bridge above the O-Train at the east end of Hickory Street, linking with Adeline Street and providing a more direct pedestrian connection to Preston Street.
The recommended re-zoning fosters an alternative built form which will help realize more of the potential development of the R5B zoning in keeping with the Mixed-use Centre designation and a number of key urban design objectives. The recommended rezoning will permit a range of non-residential uses to be added to the existing residential uses of the building, while establishing provisions to ensure compatibility with the surrounding community. The recommended rezoning is in keeping with the policies of the Official Plan, including the Preston/Champagne Secondary Plan, and merits approval.
The details and draft schedule of the recommended zoning amendment, as set out in Documents 1, 2 and 3, implement the changes required to allow for the proposed related development concept to proceed in conjunction with required Site Plan Control and Building Permit applications.
Concurrent Application
A formal application has been submitted for Site Plan Control Approval (File D07-12-10-0179) for the related proposed mixed-use development.
Through a Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment for the property, it has been determined that the subject property was once used as an automobile service garage, and that the land across Hickory Street to the south was once used as a bulk fuel storage depot. The contamination will be addressed for any residential development on the site through the Site Plan Control process and will likely include requirements for a Record of Site Condition and potentially other conditions pertaining to soil management and the removal of groundwater monitoring wells.
Notice of this application was carried out in accordance with the City's Public Notification and Consultation Policy. As well two public meetings to consider the application, organized by the ward councillor, were held in the community. A summary and staff responses to concerns raised regarding the application are contained in Document 4.
Councillor Christine Leadman provided the following comment on the initial Application:
“I have received the circulation on this proposal and am submitting my position on this proposal:
In light of the above, it would be my recommendation to reject this application until such time as a proper public consultation process is followed and relevant renderings have been submitted.”
Councillor Christine Leadman provided the following comment on the revised Application:
“This project does not conform to the Planning Policies of building heights. In this quadrant heights are to be lower moving north from Carling Avenue. Previous approvals of the adjacent property south of this application indicate lower heights. This contravention of the policy jeopardizes the integrity of all planning principles for this area and should not be approved”.
If the recommendation is adopted and this matter is appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board, the hearing estimated to be of two to four days duration could be conducted within staff resources.
Should the recommendation be refused, reasons must be provided. If the refusal is appealed to the Board, a hearing of eight to ten days would likely result. Depending on the reasons, one or two outside witnesses would be required (a planner and an architect). The estimated cost would be in the range of $40,000 to $60,000. This amount would be greater is a site plan is also appealed to the Board.
The recommended rezoning is in keeping with the City Strategic Plan, Service Priorities. The proposed added uses and zoning provision revisions support Service Priorities for Transportation, Transit, for a Sustainable, Healthy and Active City, and for Planning and Growth Management. The added uses facilitate efficient use of existing transportation and transit services, and infrastructure through land use planning. The zoning changes are in keeping with the policy of being proactive in requiring walking, transit and cycling oriented communities and employment centres. The recommended zoning provisions will foster a development that respects the existing urban fabric and planned neighbourhood form, and will manage growth to help create a sustainable community.
There are no direct financial implications associated with this report.
The revised application was processed by the "On Time Decision Date" established for the processing of Zoning By-law amendment applications.
Document 1 Location Map
Document 2 Details of Recommended Zoning
Document 3 Height and Set-backs Schedule
Document 4 Consultation Details
Document 5 Conceptual Development Proposal
City Clerk and Solicitor Department, Legislative Services to notify the owner: Mastercraft Starwood, 204-2525 St. Laurent Blvd, Ottawa, K1H 8P5, applicant: S. Schaffhauser – Fotenn Consultants, 233 McLeod St. Ottawa, K2P 0ZP,, 174 Colonnade Road, Unit #33, Ottawa, ON K2E 7J5, and Ghislain Lamarche, Program Manager, Assessment, Financial Services Branch (Mail Code: 26-76) of City Council’s decision.
Planning and Growth Management to prepare the implementing by-law, forward to Legal Services and undertake the statutory notification.
Legal Services to forward the implementing by-law to City Council.
Proposed Changes to the Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2008-250
125 Hickory Street
1. Rezone the subject land from R5B H(34), , to R5B[XXXX]SXXX.
2. Amend Part 17, Schedules by adding Document 3 as a new schedule.
3. Add a new exception to Section 239 Urban Exceptions including provisions similar in effect to the following:
a. The following additional land uses are permitted: artist studio, bank, bank machine, community centre, convenience store, day care, instructional facility, library, medical facility, personal service business, post office, production studio, restaurant, retail food store, retail store, and small batch brewery.
b. Minimum required landscaped area 40%, of which 20% must be located at grade.
c. Minimum required front yard setback: 0.0 metres.
d. Minimum required rear yard setback: 0.0 metres.
e. Minimum required interior side yard setback: 2.25 metres.
f. Minimum required corner side yard setback: 1.75 metres.
g. Minimum required number of visitor parking spaces is 0.087 spaces per dwelling unit.
h. Maximum permitted number of residential parking spaces including visitors spaces is 1.1 per dwelling unit.
i. Minimum required number of parking spaces for non-residential uses: 0 parking spaces.
j. Maximum of 10 parking spaces may be provided as tandem parking spaces.
k. The lot shall be treated as one-lot for zoning purposes, should there be any future divisions of the property.
i. All permitted non-residential uses must:
(i) be located in a mixed-use building also containing residential uses;
(ii) only be located on the ground floor;
(iii) face either Champagne Avenue South or Hickory Street; and
(iv) must have their principal access oriented towards and entering onto a yard that abuts either Champagne Avenue South or Hickory Street.
Notification and public consultation was undertaken in accordance with the Public Notification and Public Consultation Policy approved by City Council for Zoning By-law amendments. Two public meetings were also held in the community.
Comments from the general public pertaining to the initial application (deemed complete February 1, 2010) and the revised application (July 13, 2010) are summarized topically and addressed below:
1. Comment – Height and Density: The proposed height of 20 and 24 floors is inappropriate and not in keeping with the surrounding low profile residential communities, including the area east of the O-Train corridor, and will cause excessive shadowing, loss of sunlight, wind-tunnels, and provide opportunities for overlook causing loss of privacy. The two towers will have a negative impact on the skyline. The requested extra height is unnecessary to achieve good design and the level of development intensity and a profit sought by the developer. The existing, 15-storey “Emerald Towers” apartment building should set the maximum height in the area. If the buildings on this property are allowed to be higher than the buildings proposed on the “Arnon” site immediately across Hickory Street to the south, the design of that development may also need to be reconsidered, the buildings should step down moving away from a major arterial like Carling Avenue, as per the Preston Champagne Secondary Plan, not go up higher as proposed. The revised proposal to reduce the requested height from 76 to 65 metres is an improvement.
Response: The proposed building heights have been reduced from a proposal of 20 and 24 storeys to 16 and 20 storeys and are considered to be in keeping with the intention of the Preston/Champagne Secondary Plan, and with the Mixed-use Centre designation and the Official Plan policies for compatible intensification in targeted areas inside the Greenbelt. The proposed building height does descend on-site from south to north away from Carling Avenue. The proposed provisions of the rezoning take into consideration design policies and those policies dealing with shadowing to minimize the impact to the point practicable as per OP policies.
2. Comment - Infrastructure: The proposal will allow a significant increase in density beyond the current zoning limits and will cause problems for the area infrastructure; the sewer system in the area is about 90 years old, damaged by roots and falling apart.
Response: The adequacy of the municipal infrastructure in the area has been part of the staff analysis of the proposal and is not considered problematic.
3. Comment – Traffic and Parking: The added density will cause significant traffic and related safety problems in the area with overflow parking, excessive traffic on local streets like Hickory, cut-through traffic to Parkdale Avenue to reach the Queensway, and exacerbating the failing intersection problems along Carling Avenue at Preston Street. With all the proposed underground parking few new residents are anticipated to be using transit. A concrete barrier or rush-hour limitations should be considered to control traffic at Hickory Street and Champagne Avenue, at Hickory and Loretta Avenue, and at Champagne and Beech Street. Lack of pedestrian and cycle facilities in the area will add to traffic problems. Parking should be limit to 0.6 spaces per residential unit to promote other forms of transportation.
Response: The subject rezoning is considered to be in keeping with the transportation policies of the OP and with the objectives of the City’s TMP. The proposed rezoning includes reductions and lowered maximum parking provisions considered adequate to meet the demands of the proposed development while satisfying the OP intention for parking in close proximity to rapid transit stations. Possible improvements to the local roadways will be considered through the related Site Plan application.
4. Comment – Neighbourhood Amenities and Services: The surrounding residential area to the west is already deficient of amenities and services such as a grocery store, smaller retail stores, drug store, and restaurants, and adding more people without the services does not make sense and will only make the situation worse. The revised proposal to include commercial use space is positive. Adding commercial space will increase traffic and parking problems.
Response: The revised rezoning proposal includes neighbourhood-oriented commercial and other uses to help meet the needs of the surrounding community; and is of a scale not anticipated to cause parking problems in the area.
5. Comment – Re-zoning premature: The area is part of the recently reinitiated Carling/Bayview Community Design Plan (CDP) study, and there should be no major zoning changes until such time as that study is completed. The CDP process provides a means of considering all the development underway, approved and proposed in the Champagne-Carling-Hickory area in a comprehensive manner to truly gage the impacts on the community and come to proper planning solutions rather than the current piece-meal approach. There is no guarantee that the north-south LRT will go ahead and development of this scale should not proceed until it is in place; this could set a bad precedent along the O-Train corridor.
Response: The OP provides clear direction that notwithstanding an on-going secondary planning process, applications for development including zoning by-law amendments can proceed based on their own merit in the face of evaluation of the policies of the OP.
6. Comment - Compatibility: Compatible intensification is acceptable but the proposed new development associated with the rezoning is not compatible with the mass and height of the surrounding community or the streetscape, and is even much larger than the other major developments proposed in the area. The proposal is not in keeping with the intent of Section 4.11 of the Official Plan dealing with design and compatibility. The proposed 0.3 metre setback from the Ottawa Humane Society property to the north is too close.
Response: The proposed development and the recommended rezoning have been considered in terms of the provisions of sections 2.5.1 and 4.11 pertaining to design and compatibility and will be further considered through the related Site Plan review process. The proposed rezoning is considered to be in keeping with the OP policies for compatibility.
7. Comment – Green-space: The proposed redevelopment should uphold the green-space requirements to help diminish the impact of the increased height, and be more in keeping with the character of the surrounding community, unlike some of the recent developments on Loretta Street. The reduced setbacks will reduce greenspace in the neighbourhood and are unacceptable in combination with such a large development; there should be five-metre setbacks along Champagne Avenue and Hickory Street. Will the nearby park be improved? A building of this size will be a barrier between the neighbourhood and the greenspace.
Response: Under the standard provisions of the zoning by-law a mixed use development as now proposed requires no landscaped area while mid-high rise apartment building would require 30% at grade level. The revised proposed rezoning requires 40% landscaped area with 20% at grade level. The proposed setbacks are in keeping with the OP intent for development in a Mixed-use Centre. The proposed development would be required to contribute substantial cash-in-lieu of parkland, which has the potential to be partially used to improve the nearby park.
8. Comment – Pedestrian facilities: Will a sidewalk be built from Carling Avenue to Beech Street to deal with all the proposed new development in the area?
Response: The related development proposal includes sidewalks along the adjacent frontages of Champagne Avenue South and Hickory Street, as well as development of a pathway system along the west side of the O-Train corridor at grade level.
9. Comment – Noise: A combination of more traffic and the existing new high buildings reflecting Queensway noise has greatly increased overall noise in the area and larger Queensway barriers and more trees around new tall buildings should be considered.
Response: Landscaping, including street trees is proposed through the related Site Plan Control application.
10. Comment – Property Investment: The proposed redevelopment will have a negative impact on investments in other commercial properties in the area.
Response: There has been no evidence to indicate that the proposed rezoning will cause a loss in the value of adjacent commercial properties.
11. Comment – Development Appropriate: The proposed re-zoning and associated development proposal are appropriate for the site given the location on a brownfield site, close to an O-Train station and major arterial road, and designed with slim towers to minimize loss of sunlight. Even greater height of 30 and 34 storeys would be better, but the developer should be asked to build a pedestrian connection over the O-Train corridor at the end of Hickory Street.
Response: Staff concur that the proposed development is appropriate given the location and applicable OP policies, but feel a development of 30 and 34 stories would unsuccessfully challenge the OP policies for compatible development.
PUBLIC MEETINGS COMMENTS - March 22, 2010 and May 3, 2010
The comments provided at the public meetings are consistent with the comments provided from the general public which are summarized and addressed above.
Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association (CHNA) Comments – Initial Application
“Attached are the survey results from residents in response to the proposed development at 125 Hickory St. as well as feedback related to development overall in that area. There were approx. 43 responses. 37 submitted online and 6 were emailed, faxed or hand delivered to me. The concerns related to this specific request for variance(s) and development in that area in general echo what was heard at the meeting on March 22nd.
§ Height not keeping with the general look and feel of our historic neighbourhood
§ Lack of amenities
§ Lack of infrastructure to support the current level of intensification
§ Traffic
§ Developments viewed in isolation
§ The need for a community plan
There are of course outliers on this subject that take the extreme position for or against but I think overall most residents recognize that this particular area is in need of re-gentrification. The issue is that the communities affected by development have neither been adequately consulted nor had an opportunity to “plan for intensification” per section 28 of the Ontario Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Key Planning Act. According to the Ministry website under Policy Connections “Municipal official plan policies articulate a community’s vision for a well-planned and designed built environment”. Based on this it would be irresponsible of the committee to approve this or any other variance until a community vision has been established.
Developers seem to have taken the city’s mandate for intensification as a license to build in isolation without accountability to the community stakeholders and that needs to stop. In this particular situation what we are hearing is that the Starwood proposed development is not necessarily good or bad, but a magnification of what appears to be developers controlling the future of our neighbourhoods. Developers should be partnering with the communities in which they wish to build and sharing a common vision. What we are seeing is an awakening of older communities to the realities of change and their desire to be actively involved in that those changes by creating a vision.
There is currently not enough information available to determine if Starwood’s request for variance is in keeping with a community plan for intensification.
My recommendation on behalf of the association would be a min. 6 month moratorium on new development until we can articulate a community plan/vision. The meeting on Monday brought a lot of people out which shows the level of interest in this issue. I think we can get a committee together that would include residents, city planning officials, developers etc. in the next 30 days and start pounding out phase 1 of our vision.”
Response to Initial Application Comments of CHNA
The concerns as presented at the public meeting and reiterated by the CHNA are in keeping with the summary and response to the comments of the general public above. The OP provides clear direction that notwithstanding an on-going secondary planning process, applications for development including zoning by-law amendments can proceed based on their own merit in the face of evaluation of the policies of the OP. The subject property is covered by the applicable policies of the Preston/Champagne Secondary Plan, including specific references to the subject property as Residential High Profile within the Southwest Quadrant. The applicant did attend a public meeting on the initial proposal and the application was partially amended subsequent to that. Complete information is now available on the revised development proposal, including a recent full circulation of the related Site Plan Control application.
Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association Comments –Revised (July 13, 2010) Application
”I am writing on behalf of the Civic Hospital Neighbourhood Association (CHNA) to comment on the revised proposal for 125 Hickory Street.
To begin, I would like to state that CHNA understands that the City of Ottawa’s Official plan (Official Plan Amendment 76) promotes intensification as a strategy to manage growth in a sustainable way and that it has targeted areas near rapid transit for intensification, including the land at 125 Hickory Street which is located next to the Carling O-Train stop.
The CHNA also understands that the primary goal of the City’s Official plan is sustainability, “where sustainable development is defined as ‘development that meets the needs of the present generation without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”
We fully support this goal and hope to work with the City to manage growth in a way that meets the needs of our community, both now and in the future.
With this in mind, we would like to raise a number of concerns in connection with 125 Hickory Street.
Maximum Height of Building: As you may know, the area near 125 Hickory Street is largely residential. There are a few apartment buildings and condominiums in the area but most buildings are single family dwellings. The tallest building in the area is Emerald Towers (14 storeys) and it towers over most homes in the neighbourhood.
Currently, the land at 125 Hickory is zoned for a maximum building height of 34 metres. Developer Mastercraft Starwood is requesting that the City of Ottawa increase the maximum height to 65 metres (down from a request for 76 metres) to allow for a 20 storey and 16 storey tower, with a total of 302 condominium units.
Accepting the proposal for two huge towers at 125 Hickory Street would significantly reduce privacy for people living near the two buildings and negatively alter the overall environment of the neighbourhood and skyline. It is not an exaggeration to say that the towers would stick out like two sore thumbs. To demonstrate this point, the
CHNA has attached a photo of a Lego model which roughly shows development plans for the area near the Carling O-Train stop, including the revised plan for 125 Hickory Street. Each Lego block represents a storey. Each colour represents a new development, except for the blue buildings which represent existing structures.
Red: 125 Hickory. 20 storeys and 16 storeys.
White: 100 Champagne. 12 storeys. Plus a 3 storey building with 6 townhouses.
Yellow: 855 Carling. 15 storeys and 12 storeys.
Blue: Two storey homes - the norm for the area - and Emerald Towers, the largest building in the neighbourhood (14 storeys).
According to the Christine Leadman, the City Councillor for the ward, the plan for the 125 Hickory Street more than triples the City’s housing density target for the neighbourhood. (Source: Ottawa Citizen, “Hotel-inspired condos will have ‘negative effect,’ Leadman says” May 4, 2010).
Leadman points out that “ In 2002, the site was upzoned to 12 storeys to permit construction of the ‘Acquellero at Dow’s Lake’ apartment building with 189 units. This development would have created a density of 475.5 jobs/people per hectare that is over twice the recent intensification target of 200 along Carling Avenue. The proposed re-zoning would create a density of 835 jobs/people per hectare.” (Source: Christine Leadman, Councillor for Kitchissippi Ward,“ Important facts for 125 Hickory St. Development, 2010)
The CHNA does not support the second upzoning or the significant increase in density beyond city targets. We are especially concerned because the area has inadequate infrastructure and will not be able to sustain this level of development. There is no grocery store in the neighbourhood or other amenities like a post office, dry cleaner, news stand or gas station. Even public transit is a problem. The City’s Light Rail network will not be operational for another decade, and the O-Train will likely be shut down for LRT construction for part of that decade. Ironically, most people who move into the new developments near the Carling O-Train stop will have to drive everywhere to obtain the basic requirements of life because they will not be able to get them in their neighbourhood or get them very easily by public transit.
If all zoning by-law proposals for the area are accepted as is, an estimated 1000 additional people will be moving in and around 125 Hickory Street. (Note: This estimate assumes an average of two people per unit at 125 Hickory, 100 Champagne and the second Merrion Square condo which is currently being built.) This will undoubtedly put a great deal of pressure on our residential roads, parks and green space, as will the two office towers at 855 Carling.
As stated earlier, the CHNA supports the City’s plans to promote intensification and sustainable development in a way that meets the needs of our community, both now and in the future. However, the CHNA does not believe that the current proposal for 125 Hickory promotes sustainable development or meets the needs of current residents.
Transportation study conclusions: The 125 Hickory Avenue: Residential Complex – Community Transportation Study concludes with the following comments
“The principal impact of the currently underway and proposed developments
(Domicile, Arnon and Mastercraft Starwood) on local streets is anticipated to occur on Sherwood Drive at Carling Avenue, based on the assumption that the additional traffic to/from Carling Avenue west of Champagne Avenue will likely get redistributed to/from Sherwood Drive at the Carling/Sherwood signalized intersection in the same proportions as currently prevail at that intersection.
Consequently, the two-way peak traffic volumes on Sherwood Drive between Carling Avenue and Breezehill Avenue are projected to increase by 80/90 vph by 2016. At less than 500 vph two-way total at this location during peak, the projected volumes are still considered to be reasonable for a collector road. It is noteworthy that the two-way peak hour volumes on Sherwood Drive at Parkdale Avenue are approximately 50% of the two-way volumes at Carling Avenue.
Since, an average of 85% of the traffic on Carling Avenue east of Sherwood Drive originates/is destined for Carling Avenue, west of Sherwood Drive, the resultant 15% of the projected increased traffic volumes resulting from the proposed Mastercraft Starwood and Arnon developments is considered to be a relatively minor increase in Sherwood Avenue traffic volumes, i.e., approximately 10% of the current p.m. peak hour total of 400 vph.
The existing traffic volumes on the local road network, Hickory, Breezehill, Beech, Loretta, etc., are relatively minor and are expected to increase by less than 40 vehicles per hour, as a result of all the proposed developments in the area, including Domicile, Arnon and Mastercraft Starwood.
Based on the foregoing, it is recommended that the proposed rezoning be approved from a transportation perspective.”
The CHNA does not agree with this conclusion. Much of the information collected on traffic counts was collected during the dead of summer and a period of major construction on Preston Street. We think it safe to assume that these factors affected both the volume of traffic and the way people use our roads. We would like to point out that a consulting firm called Delcan collected information for the Carling and Sherwood intersection (the intersection identified as having “the principal impact” ) on August 19, 2009. Traffic counts for Carling and Champagne were collected on August 17, 2009. Counts for Beech and Preston were collected on July 18, 2006. Counts for Parkdale and Sherwood were collected on June 30, 2009. Also, there does not appear to be traffic counts for some of the intersections that are likely to be most affected: Champagne and Beech; Hickory and Loretta; Hickory and Breezehill; Hickory and Bayswater.
The proposed development at 125 Hickory and other proposed developments in the area would add more than 1192 vehicles to our streets (See Appendix A). Most of these vehicles are likely to arrive and leave during peak traffic hours. This increase in traffic would undoubtedly and negatively impact the livability of our streets. We wholeheartedly agree with the late Donald Appleyard. Appleyard, who was a professor of urban design, believed that social street activities are greatly reduced and feelings of well being in neighbourhoods are threatened when traffic volumes increase beyond what is considered normal by local residents (Source: Donald Appleyard, Livable Streets. Berkeley, CA.: University of California , 1981).
The CHNA would like to work with the City of Ottawa to preserve the livability of our streets by maintaining current traffic patterns to the extent possible. One of the best ways to do this would be to ensure that traffic emanating from developments such as 125 Hickory Street is diverted to Carling.
The City could also reduce the number of vehicles that proposed developments such as 125 Hickory are scheduled to add to our streets by adding Vrtucar parking spaces and by reducing the number of vehicle parking spaces. In theory, this measure would also strengthen the link between development and public transit.
Reliability of information: The CHNA also has concerns about the reliability of the information provided by Delcan’s transportation study. Delcan’s study was prepared for the developer (Mastercraft Starwood). We have a very hard time believing that this document is impartial and suspect that Delcan may be providing information in a selective manner. For example, Delcan provides collision data for study area roads between 2005 to 2008 and concludes “Analysis indicated no particular trends in collisions along the subject section of Carling Avenue. Most of the collisions (76%) involved only property damage, indicating low impact speeds, while the rest were non-fatal.”
One might assume, based on this information, that there were no fatal traffic accidents between 2005 and 2008 but this would be incorrect. Collision data only provides information about vehicles hitting vehicles. It does not include information about vehicles hitting people. We know of at least one fatal accident that occurred in March of 2005. A man and his dog were tragically killed by a car at Carling and Sherwood
No Community Development Plan: The Carling Bayview Light Rail Transit Corridor Community Design Plan is not yet completed. Development is usurping planning at this point. We think the City needs to work with the CHNA to address problems that are created by this fact.
In short, the CHNA believes that the City needs to do more to ensure that development is sustainable for both current and future residents, as mandated in the Official Plan, and that it incorporates the guiding principles of Ottawa’s 20/20 initiative into its plan by working towards stated objectives such as the following:
•The link between development and public transit is strengthened.
• Focusing on alternative modes of transport and reducing the reliance on the automobile for improved air quality.
• A better-balanced transportation system, which puts more emphasis on transit, cycling and pedestrian facilities, and improves mobility and access for all citizens, including those who do not own a car.
Commercial use: The CHNA
is pleased to see that Mastercraft Starwood is proposing
to add limited commercial uses at grade at the southwest corner of site. On
this one particular issue, the developer appears to have listened to the
comments of residents in the neighbourhood, which we very much appreciate.
O-Train bridge: We fully support and encourage Mastercraft Starwood’s proposal for a Hickory Street bridge over the O-Train tracks. This link would encourage more walking and less driving.
Bicycle parking spaces: Similarly, we like the proposal for 182 bicycle parking spaces. Ideally, this proposal would include secure indoor bicycle parking for residents of each tower and bicycle racks for visitors outside.
Recommendations for revised 125 Hickory Street proposal
The CHNA would like to make the following recommendations with a view to addressing some of the above concerns and helping the City take measured steps to implement the Official Plan and 20/20 objectives:
1) Maintain the current maximum building height of 34 metres.
2) Reduce the number of vehicle parking spaces to increase walking, biking and use of public transit and add Vrtucar car spots to encourage car sharing. There are about 15 to 20 vehicles removed from the road for every car-share vehicle. (Source: San Francisco Chronicle, “City working to make car-sharing more popular”, August 17, 2010 We recommend at least eight Vrtucar spots in prime locations.
3) In order to divert traffic to the Carling arterial, we recommend the following:
a) ‘No entry from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. signs at Hickory and Champagne (going North and West) to divert traffic to Carling during rush hours.
b) A‘No entry from 3:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m’ sign at Champagne and Beech to encourage traffic to enter from Carling at the end of the day.
c) A ‘No entry from 3:00 p.m to 6:00 p.m’ sign at Hickory and Loretta to encourage traffic to enter from Carling at the end of the day.
This proposal should encourage the proper use of the Carling arterial if people are respectful of the signs.
4) Ensure that City of Ottawa staff make it a priority to find solutions to other traffic and parking issues in the CHNA catchment area, especially in light of the fact that developments such as 125 Hickory are proceeding prior to the completion of the Carling Bayview Light Rail Transit Corridor Community Design Plan.
5) Do not consider any new developments or zoning by-law amendments in the area until the Carling Bayview Light Rail Transit Corridor Community Design Plan (CDP) is completed. Ensure that the CDP gives priority to adding services and infrastructure in the area so that residents can walk or bike rather than drive.
Thank you for considering our views.”
Response to Revised Application Comments of CHNA
Dalhousie Community Association (DCA) Comments - Initial Application
“The board of the DCA discussed this proposal at length at its March 3rd meeting. We are all familiar with the site, and had elevations and site plans on hand during the discussion.
We feel the proposed height is excessive. This is a mid-block, land-locked location, not a gateway. Its location on a transit corridor, and with nearby access to a major arterial (Carling Avenue) means the site is suitable for intensification. In our opinion, a height the same as the adjacent Emerald Tower would be suitable.
The DCA supports the notion of Transit Oriented Development (ToD) requiring different conditions than might be applicable in other areas for similar developments. Reducing the parking requirements is appropriate for ToD and increases the affordability of the units. Since the site is immediately adjacent to current cycling paths and the future cycling arterial proposed for the Otrain corridor, we feel there should be a significant cycle parking facility conveniently located within the building to encourage cycling. The more the reduction in parking, the more prime parking spaces should be required for Virtu-car or similar car sharing services.
We appreciate being informed of public meetings and the progress of this application at the email shown below.”
Response to Initial Application Comments of the DCA
The proposed building heights have been reduced from a proposal of 20 and 24 storeys to 16 and 20 storeys and is considered to be in keeping with the intention of the Preston/Champagne Secondary Plan, and the Mixed-use Centre designation and the Official Plan policies for compatible intensification in targeted areas inside the Greenbelt. The staff-recommended rezoning includes reduced minimum and lowered maximum parking requirements. Staff concur with the merit of providing adequate bicycle parking and will refine the proposed distribution through the related site plan process. “Vrtucar” parking will be discussed through the related Site Plan process.
Dalhousie Community Association Comments – Revised (July 13, 2010 Application
“The Dalhousie Community Association represents the area immediately east of the proposed development at 125 Hickory Street. We have attended public meetings on this project and are aware of what the developer is proposing.
We wish to be kept informed of the progress of this project.
We have the following comments:
We appreciate if you would ensure we are mailing lists and kept informed of developments for this site.”
Response to Revised Application Comments from the DCA
1. The staff recommended rezoning includes reduced and maximum parking requirements. “Vrtucar” parking will be discussed through the related Site Plan process.
2. The minimum bicycle parking requirements of the Zoning By-law will be applied through the related Site Plan Control and Building Permit approval processes, however there is no indication that the desire on the part of future residents to have more than one bicycle will be impeded by the design of the development.
3. Staff will continue to work with the developer, through the related Site Plan process, in pursuit of provision of a pedestrian bridge across the O-Train corridor.
4. The developer's Site Plan does include a multi-purpose path along the upper level of the west side of the O-Train corridor with the potential to eventually be connected to adjacent properties.
Councillor Christine Leadman’s comments are quoted in the main body of this report.
Response to Councillor’s Comments on Initial Application:
1. The proposed building heights have been reduced from a proposal of 20 and 24 storeys to 16 and 20 storeys and is considered to be in keeping with the intention of the Preston/Champagne Secondary Plan and the Mixed-use Centre designation and the Official Plan policies for compatible intensification in targeted areas inside the Greenbelt.
2. The proposed rezoning now includes reduction and maximum parking provisions.
3. New neighbourhood oriented commercial and other uses have been added to the proposed rezoning and the applicant has indicated a willingness to work with the City through the development approval processes to contribute to a new pedestrian link over the O-Train corridor towards the Preston Street area.
4. The department supports and consistently recommends applicant pre-consultation with Ward Councillors and the Community.
5. Complete information is now available on the revised development proposal including recent full circulation of the related Site Plan Control application.
Response to Councillor’s Comments on Revised Application
The subject site is associated with a “Secondary Employment Centre” area of the Preston/Champagne Secondary Plan (PCSP). In discussing the Secondary Employment Centre, the PCSP says that “residential uses, within and adjacent to the Centre, are important to provide an appropriate transition to, and integration with, the existing residential community to the north and west. This integration is also to be realized by a transition in development from higher to lower profile buildings moving northward from Carling Avenue”. The provisions of the recommended re-zoning include a requirement for dropping from a higher to lower building height when moving from south to north across the site away from Carling Avenue, while upholding the Residential High Profile designation and anticipating the medium to high profile of development of other properties that may redevelop to the north and west. The adjacent property to the south is the subject of an on-going consideration through an Ontario Municipal Board hearing. The current height limit is 56 metres. The actual heights associated with the development on the property to the south are not yet determined, and even with the current limit, may not constitute a significant variation from the subject proposal as one component of a group of high-rise buildings.